The NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience in the Era of Big Data

Damien Fair PA-C, Ph.D. will discuss positive developments in functional neuroimaging with the potential to put the field on a more solid footing moving forward and realize the translational potential of these non-invasive methodologies.

from NIMH News Feed

Published by revpaulparks

Paul Parks took early retirement in 2020 after about two decades of serving as a Vicar in the Church of England. He now lives in Ballaugh, Isle of Man, British Isles with his wife and two youngest children. Though his time of serving in the Church of England has come to an end, his career is far from over. In fact, he is now training to be a psychotraumatologist so he can help others overcome the traumas they’ve faced in their lives. Paul is qualified to lead others on their mental health journies, especially since he has experience in overcoming his own mental health disorders. He is now very vocal about the importance of seeking treatment and removing the shame surrounding pursuing help. Learn more about his journey and new endeavors at

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